I have wardrobe malfunctions, too

I was on my way to a co-working space to meet a group of women that I adore. I was planning on wearing a particular outfit and I forgot to take my own advice. I was running a bit behind, was meeting someone at a particular time and I don’t like being late. I’d been trying to walk the dog before I changed, so that she would go to the bathroom before I left for a few hours, but she was more interested in talking to the people who are fixing our road. We ended up having a firm discussion about how we needed to go home right now, which resulted in me practically having to drag a 30 pound bulldog up my driveway. Once I got home, I changed and realized there was no way I could leave the house wearing what I was wearing. Too much accidental cleavage and pants I couldn’t breathe in. It’s stressful to have ten minutes to get out the door with no idea what to wear and I rarely let it happen.
Here’s a check list so it doesn’t happen to you.
- Plan your outfit in advance. Assembling outfits can take time. Set aside an hour once a week to plan your upcoming ensembles. Finding new combinations can take a little longer, so an option is to make a look book of the outfits you've created if you have trouble remembering them. Always have several go to’s for the days when you need to rush out the door.
- Before the occasion, event, activity or you leave for work, assemble all items. I've often worked out an outfit in my head, only to discover that the shirt I was planning to wear is crumpled in a ball in the laundry waiting to be hand washed.
- Check for stains, tears, rips and general condition. Does the item need washing? Does it need repair? If you haven't worn your red pair of heels in a while make sure that the tips aren’t worn down so you don't damage them further.
- Check all items still fit. The pair of trousers I was planning to wear were so tight that I couldn't bend over to zip up my boots. I prefer to be comfortable so I switched them out for another pair.
- If you just had your clothing altered, make sure you have tried it on prior to the event. I asked for a dome to be placed down the front of a jacket so that it didn't gape open, but hadn't tested it. The dome was beautifully sewn but it turned out that it wasn't strong enough to keep the jacket from pulling apart every time I moved my arms, exposing my breasts. It wasn't designed to go with a camisole, so I had to swap it out.
- Always have a backup outfit. In this case I had an alternative head to toe look so it was fast and simple to swap.
- Keep an eye on your toenail polish. The second outfit I wore required silver open toed sandals. Luckily I’d painted my toes the night before. Plain toes are perfectly fine (try a little clear gloss if you want a bit of shine), but chipped toenail polish that’s also growing out - not such a good look!
- Check your jewelry and accessories won’t cause any issues. I've snagged dresses with 80’s diamante bracelets that had rough edges, and I have a handbag with a chain that seems determined to fix itself to my crocheted top.
- Speaking of accessories, pack your bag before the event. if you have coordinated your bag to your outfit, it's really annoying when you can't fit all your essentials in it.
And finally, don’t sweat it if the outfit doesn’t come together. People are more interested in you than the fact that you’re perfectly coordinated. I want all my clients to look and feel great so we often assemble multiple outfits together, but life happens. And no matter what you are wearing, you are always beautiful.
Aroha, Erin
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