Lightning, palm trees and pineapple lumps

Photo by Anthony Cervantes

We woke up to a sensational lightning storm!

Huge flashes of light as if Godzilla had discovered the flashlight feature on his phone and zig zags that went skittering sideways like elaborate calligraphy or an erratic profit and loss line chart. My phone couldn't do it justice. 

The only thing blocking the panoramic view is the wooden telegraph poles spaced out every few feet - i.e., th…

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Kiwi House, art, ride on mowers and oxygen masks

Today's excitement included finding the post office to pick up a package. This will be a regular occurrence, as Amazon has limitations here.

Our wonderful daughters had asked what we wanted for Christmas, and we suggested they send us something that would remind us of them for the Kiwi House (what we call this place) and, if possible, with a NZ theme. A fantastic print turned up! You’ll see it as you walk through the front door. 

The property has a range of trees, from avocados to papaya. …

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A farm stand, a transfer station and a monster truck

After having the zoomies yesterday (both me and the dog), I calmed down - as in bit TH’s head off when he moved my smoothie ingredients (I get feral when my stuff gets touched) and took myself off for a mid-morning nap as we are still waking up in the dark.

Then, it was off to dispose of rubbish. I wasn’t thrilled about the amount of trash we created in Seattle, and here it’s amplified. There’s no garbage collection here; you take it to a transfer station. One goal here is to minimize contr…

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A rooster, frogs, mystery fruit and do I actually need all my clothes?


We woke to our rooster. We have a rooster! And a chicken, both of which baffle the dog. The rooster has taken note of the eight different time zones I keep track of and, helpfully, announces them throughout the day. 

We'd gone to sleep to a frog chorus, which sounded like a flock of birds. It’s a change from seaplanes and roadworks, and I’ll take it! Unfortunately, they are an invasive species and a pest, so The Husband has plans for a Coqui-removing Dalek. 

Thanks to being on a Seattl…

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Seattle to Kona - Two Kiwis and a Frenchie.

The actual official day of moving to The Big Island was focused on a soon-to-be-Hawaiian French Bulldog. This was more complicated than you would think, but he was a non-negotiable, like reef-safe sunblock. 

We’d been up since four am, doing tasks related to leaving the rental, so I was tired and tense at the airport. Standing in the queue to see the agent about loading our bags had me box breathing and repeating one of my mantras: there is enough time, money, and love, over and over.


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We moved to Hawaii! And since you have been kind enough to ask...


I forgot to tell people - we moved to Hawaii!

Goodbye Seattle gloom; it's aloha from now on. 

The few people we did tell have been kind enough to ask how it is going. Rather than trying to remember what info and photos I had sent out, I'm chatting with you here. Questions are welcome, including how we ended up here and the process.

You are welcome to read the short blogs, which are a sort of diary, or if you are opt-in(you should see a pop-up), they will be delivered like post cards into your…

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