Why I need to dress better at the dog park.

So you know how they say “physician, heal thyself?”
I was walking Joule (Frenchie) at the dog park, looked down at what I was wearing and thought, if a client sees me right now, I'm running in the other direction.
I had forgotten my mantra. Dress for Your Vision, no matter the circumstances? What the heck had I been thinking?
After all, it was a client of mine who told me:
"My husband just asked where I was going, because I looked like a badass."
"What did you tell him?"
"Nowhere. This is how I dress now.”
She'd have fired me if she'd seen me.
My jeans were $3 at a thrift store. That's OK, but these were boring. Dull brown hiking boots from REI, at least I liked the purple laces. Cerise jumper (sweater) which I'm ambivalent about. T-shirt from my husband's work. In my defense, it is fitted and has a cool design.
My style statement is Dramatic Comfort. I was certainly comfortable, but the outfit wasn't really, truly me.
I'd been telling myself, better to wear old, dull jeans at the dog park because I might get mud on them. Because interesting (& sexy) jeans can't be rinsed off?
The cerise sweater is by NZ brand Icebreaker. It’s great quality, awesome company. I’ve had it for years and I always get compliments. The problem is, I wouldn't save it in a fire. It’s just not… me. So, it’s going to be donated and replaced.
The truth is, I was hiding. Dumpy clothes for when I don't feel so great. When I know 100% that great clothes always lift my mood and give me courage.
So, I hereby solemnly swear that I will have no more "dog park only" clothes.
If anyone comes across outrageously-patterned hiking boots, please let me know.
Hey, my definition of looking great doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) the same as your definition of looking great.
In all likelihood, you'll feel fabulous in clothing completely different than mine. I like clothes you can see from Space. You might prefer something classic, or in neutral colors or latex, for all I know. (Though if it is latex, I do want to know. Call me).
Whether it's virtual, in person or in an alternate universe, I hope you are in alignment with your values, what matters to you, you're on your way towards your ideal life, your ideal career and your clothing is helping you to get there.
If that's not the case, reach out and we will talk about dressing for your vision - whether walking the dog or C-Suite.
Aroha, Erin.
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