Stripper Pants and Strategies
Right now I'm wearing stripper pants.
Well, that's what I call them. They're Nike, and have domes up both sides so I can take them on and off easily without having to pull them over my feet.
I had feet surgery - yes, both feet. I won't bore you, but thanks to my friend Micha Goebig, a great coach, I now know about stripper pants. She had a broken leg a while back and passed on the fashion hack. Given that I'll be in a moonboot for at least ten weeks, I'm about to order another pair.
What on earth has stripper pants got to do with strategy?
Stripper pants streamline my life.
How can you streamline your life? Besides buying pants with domes. Or Velcro.
It can be as simple as decluttering clothes you never wear because they don't represent who you want to be.
Or buying more underwear so you do laundry less.
Or decluttering people who just add noise to your life.
Or creating systems in your business so things run smoothly behind the scenes, delegating tasks, getting groceries delivered, getting a cleaner, a dog walker when you have limited mobility, adding a buy now button on your website so people can purchase what you offer easily, clarifying your marketing message, downsizing your possessions.
Anything that is adding pebbles to your path to greatness.
What are your stripper pants?
If you want to talk about your pebbles, I'm not going anywhere. Here's a link for a chat. Often, just talking it out leads you to finding the answer all on your own. If not, I might have a suggestion or two.
Aroha, Erin.
Ps. If you want to streamline your life and help improve a woman's, talk to Riah Gonzalez about a virtual assistant.
If you want to streamline your platform, check out this free trial of Simplero, which I use.
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